Unlocking the Heart through Self-Love
10am - 5pm
Sept 22, Pinole, CA
Experience your magnificence in this intimate day-long women's retreat.
The heart center is the our gateway to the infinite. By recognizing ourselves as part of infinite source energy, and healing the sense of separation that keeps us in suffering, we grow our capacity for embodying self-love. Self-love allows us to experience our connection to the divine and opens us up to our highest expression.
As humans we naturally feel a sense of separation from the divine which propels us into fear. Since fear begets fear, it can act as a cancer in our body and cause physical distress. As the loving embrace of the divine is fortified again and again through fierce self-love, this fear melts away, along with our sense of separation from the all.
In this day-long retreat, we will bless ourselves in divine love through a blend of Kundalini Yoga, SoundWork, intuitive-based dance, and art expression. The goal is to create a loving womb space where the emotional strain of separation is addressed and integrated back into the heart, unlocking it for greater access to self-love.
Delicious vegan/GF lunch provided, as well as morning and afternoon snacks and drinks. Location at a private residence with garden patio for ultimate privacy and relaxation.
Space limited to 7 participants. Register by Sept 16th to reserve your spot.